Nay Mendl, Rosa Caldeira, Stheffany Fernanda e Vita Pereira

Não recomendado para menores de 14 Anos
Viewer's Discretion - Not recommended for children under 14 years Drugs

Nay Mendl, Rosa Caldeira, Stheffany Fernanda e Vita Pereira

2019, 20min, SP
Não recomendado para menores de 14 Anos
Viewer's Discretion - Not recommended for children under 14 years Drugs

Nay Mendl, Rosa Caldeira, Stheffany Fernanda e Vita Pereira

2019, 20min, SP
Não recomendado para menores de 14 Anos
Viewer's Discretion - Not recommended for children under 14 years Drugs
They say dreaming is the proof that you’re alive. This has been my biggest concern. 


Production Company: Maloka Filmes
Directed by: Nay Mendl, Rosa Caldeira, Stheffany Fernanda and Vita Pereira
Produced by: Nayana Ferreira, Lucas Neves, Lara Fratucci, Mariana Revoredo and Stheffany Fernanda
Executive Producer: Nayana Ferreira and Wellington Amorim
Director of Photography: Nay Mendl, Rosa Caldeira and Wellington Amorim
Director of Art: Bruna Lima 
Co-Director of Art: Bea Gerolim
Som: Evelyn Santos
Montage by: Samya Carvalho e Rosa Caldeira
Cast: Ingrid Martins e Vita Pereira
Real Main Characters (people portraying themselves): Audre Verneck, Isma de Almeida, Natt Maat and Manauara Clandestina
Written by: Winnie Carolina, Nay Mendl, Rosa Caldeira, Stheffany Fernanda and Vita Pereira

3° Festival Santa Cruz de Cinema – Best Film
3ª FECSTA Festival de Cinema de Santa Teresa – Best Short Film (People’s Choice)
5º ARCHCINE – Festival Internacional de Cinema de Arquitetura 2020 – Best Film (People’s Choice)
5º Cine Tamoio Festival – Mostra Mov.Cidade 2020 – Best Director
10º Circuito Penedo de Cinema – Honour Award
14º For Rainbow – João Nery Prize and Honour Award
15° Comunicurtas – Best Direction, Best Screenplay, Best Editing
15º Festival Taguatinga de Cinema Motriz – Festival de Cinema de Planaltina – Best Short Film
19º MAUAL – Best LGBTQIA+ Short 
19º  Noia - Festival do Audiovisual Universitário – Best Brazilian Film by the Critic and Best Cast 
23° Mostra Internacional de Tiradentes – Canal Brasil de Curtas Prize
27° Festival de Curtas de Vitória – Best Film
27° Festival Mix Brasil – Best Short (People’s Chioce), Suzy Capô Prize 
31º Festival Internacional de Curtas-Metragens de São Paulo – Curta Kinoforum – Best Film, Borboleta de Ouro Prize with Honour Award to the cast, Best Brazilian Short (People’s Choice) 
45º Clube de Criação – 1st Prize Periferia Criativa
Festival Mov Cidade – Best Film
Primeiro Plano 2020 – Best soundtrack
San Jose International Film Awards – Best fiction movie
2ª Cabíria Festival - Mulheres & Audiovisual
3° Mostra de Cinema Negro de Pelotas
3º Transforma – Festival de Cinema da Diversidade de SC
5° Mostra de Cinema da Mulher 2020
5ª EGBE Mostra de Cinema Negro de Sergipe
5º Festival Diálogo de Cinema
8ª Mostra Wallace Leal Valentin Rodrigues
13º  Encontro de Cinema Negro Zózimo Bulbul
20° Festival Internacional de Escuelas de Cine Quibdó Africa Film
Festival 2020
27º Festival de Cinema de Vitória
46º Festival de Huelva de Cine Iberoamericano 2020
Festival IMP
Last Frame Queer Womxn Fest 2020
V DIGO Festival Internacional de Cinema Circuito Penedo de Cinema 2020
V Mostra de Cinema Negro de Mato Grosso



Photo: Netum Lima

Nay Mendl is a peripheral, transmasculine filmmaker, raised in the outskirts of São Paulo and an alumni from the Federal University of Latin American integration Cinema and Audiovisual school. He is a director, DoP, and editor, and his studies focus on the representations of dissident and peripheral bodies in contemporary cinema. With his work, he seeks to decolonize narratives, in his fight for Latin-American LGBT+ peripheral cinema.   


O Preço - Alvaro Costa, Wellington Amorim, Mary Abrantes e Nayara Mendl (2015, 18min)
Babado Periférico - Nayara Mendl e Rosa Caldeira (2016, 16min)

Rosa Caldeira (@roseirando) is director and director of photography at the community audiovisual production company Maloka Filmes. He is a trans filmmaker and militant, and is always gathering ideas for LGBT culture and periphery actions. His latest short film, Perifericu (@perifericu), won more than 25 awards. He is a co-creator of the Cuir Festival, a film festival on the outskirts of the South Zone of São Paulo that will take place in 2021. With his equals, he seeks to take a re-look on the image of the trans-gay favela-resident people's experiences in the first person.


Babado Periférico - Nayara Mendl e Rosa Caldeira (2016, 16min)
Um filme para Marielle - (2018)

Photo: Netum Lima

Photo: Netum Lima

Stheffany Fernanda is involved with filmmaking, a DJ by chance, studying Latin America, and making history in her spare time. She graduated from audio and video production techniques in 2017, where she discovered her great love, the audiovisual and the healing process for art. In the same year, she joined UNILA, where she goes on adventures through the Triple border, always with a smile on his face.


Filhas da Siria - (2016, 4min)
Translucidez - Stheffany Fernanda, Lara Fratucci, Gio Faccio e Victor Maximiliano (2018, 2min)

Vita Pereira, multiartist, transvestite, and cultural producer. Holds a degree in both pedagogy and drama. She has produced several works in Cinema, the visual arts, drama, education, fashion, among other fields. She currently lives at the crossroads of the interior of São Paulo and the capital.


Vita Pereira - Morada das Ixtranhas - (2019, 70min)
Vinte20 - (2020)
Picumã - (2020, 6min)

Photo: Henrique Matheus



Interview - Rosa Caldeira

The film came up with the series Babado Periferico, available on Youtube, which wanted to talk about what it's like to be LGBT in the periphery. The project was done by Rosa Caldeira and Nay Mendl, who participated in Vita Pereira as well. Then came the public call award in the city of São Paulo that provided funding for the film.