Lia Leticia

Não recomendado para menores de 16 Anos
Not recommended for children under 16 years Extreme violence; Impactful content; Sexual content

Lia Leticia

2021, 15min, PE
Não recomendado para menores de 16 Anos
Not recommended for children under 16 years Extreme violence; Impactful content; Sexual content

Lia Leticia

2021, 15min, PE
Não recomendado para menores de 16 Anos
Not recommended for children under 16 years Extreme violence; Impactful content; Sexual content
How to awaken numb people who had everything, who had bought all the dreams that money can buy and knew it had been a bargain?

Production Company: Rosa Melo Produções Artisticas
Directed by: Lia Leticia 
Produced by: Adah Lisboa 
Executive Producer: Rosa Melo 
Director of Photography: Pablo Nóbrega
Director of Art: Ariana Nuala
Som: Nicolau Domingues
Montage by: Karen Black 
Cast: Paula de Renor, Tom Alvim, Yuri de Holanda and Mekson Dias
Written by: Lia Leticia
Narrated by: Lorena Martins



Photo: Felix Oliveira

Lia Letícia thinks her work from an expanded field of art, in the tension between artistic practices and their alleged autonomy. The construction and conflicts arising from this reflection engender her works. The visual artist was born in Viamão / RS, moved to Olinda / PE at the end of the 90's, and explores painting in various media, including the audiovisual, and investigates the relationships between this and performance.  In addition to writing and directing her own films, she works as an art director. Her work transitions between film festivals and art exhibitions, and she multiplies this experience through actions such as Cinecão or as an educational artist in audiovisual experimentation projects, such as Escola Engenho. She also collaborates as a director and editor on works by visual artists, collectively coordinates projects of the Maumau Gallery, and is part of the CARNI - collective of black and Indigenous Art.


Meia Dúzia de Maças - Lia Leticia, Paulo do Amparo e Fernando Peres (2002, 8min)
Shhh! - Fernando Peres e Lia Leticia (2004, 4min)
Caminhada contra a ideia de progresso - (2006, 5min)
O Cotidiano do Ovo de Codorna - (2007, 11min)
Netuno NOturno - (2008, 8min)
Orwo Foma - Lia Leticia e Karen Black (2012, 3min)
Encantada - (2013, 11min)
Golpista desde sempre - (2016, 11min)
Terra não Dita, Mar não Visto - (2017, 13min)
Thinya - (2019, 15min)
De Todos os lugares, o mundo - (2020, 5min)
Feliz Navegantes - (2021, 6min)

Entrevista com Lia Letícia


PRESENTATION: "how to awaken numb people who had everything, who had bought all the dreams that money can buy and knew it had been a bargain? (...) Violence, which man doesn't like it? J,C. Ballard. In: O Reino do Amanhã. Companhia das Letras, 2009.

Since its emergence, the Car has been one of the greatest symbols and the apotheosis of consumption, synthesizing the contradictions of the machine age. Through the entangled streets, avenues, and highways of today circulates a nervous civilization, whose mark is the individual in motion and speed. In this video art, the consequences of this obsession are represented by desire, boredom, and violence.

Highways, young offenders and a middle-aged woman are visually fused, forming an alternative axis to the classic audiovisual narrative. Here, the images are the narrative link, where textures printed in digital and film suggest temporal, spatial and psychological changes of the characters. PER CAPITA is a visual reflection on the psychological impact of the consumer society on the individual.

The narrative of PER CAPITA is permeated by these counterpoints between the digital and the analog camera, between editing images in a software and chemical experiments; in terms of narrative perception the interactions concretized through direct intervention in the images suggest parallel times. Thus, the film proposes alternative readings for the subjectivity of the characters, so that they are understood through technical experimentation in the image. It is through the image that the narrative, temporal, and spatial link between the events, the characters, and the viewer is created in a script without dialogue.

Images search
Storyboard - PER CAPITA




“Videoação” recording Flux - Porto Alegre, 2010

The project began with the coexistence of a few days shooting traffic. I shot these images in each city (Porto Alegre, Brasilia, and Garanhuns), and edited them into a video. Later, I would project it in some street of each city, then I would film this projection and again edit it in a video, which is the final “product” of this work.


NÃO HÁ VAGAS, by Lia Leticia in collaboration with Rochelle Zandavalli, Paula Plim, Virginia Simone, Matheus Walter and Guto Conde


A series of 136 (80% analog) photos of parking lots in the central perimeter of the city of Porto Alegre.



Branco sobre Branco, Kazimir Malevich 

Ambientes Instalativos, by Nam June Paik 

Chris Burden/Performance

Justification: Performances linked to Industrial society, the body in front of the machines. Works of extreme exposure to the consequences of the relationship with machines, speed, iron, and neighboring conditions


Terroristas do Milenio, J.G. Ballard 

Justification: the work of J. C. Ballard, who speaks of a bored middle class who finds a source of expression and emotion in violence.



Lost Highway (1997), by David Lynch


A Clockwork Orange (1971), by Stanley Kubrick 

Justification: English suburban middle-class universe, middle-class boredom, the psychological consequences of capitalist and consumer society on people. The choreography of violence.


São Paulo Sociedade Anônima (1965), by Luís Sérgio Person

Justificatication: the “absurd man” thing


Edgar at Programa Cultura Livre







Text by the artist Eloir Jr, about the artist Lia Letícia from Porto Alegre

gasolinapostopetroleogasolinapetroleoposto - Excerpt performed in 2018 for DARK SHOW 11 - Uma faísca nas trevas do século XXI




Em Trânsito
by Marcelo Pedroso (2013, 17min, PE)
Viewer's Discretion  - Not recommended for children under 10 years

Sinopsis: Elias in transit

I developed Per Capita in 2013. At that time, I was still trying to write the script in a more classic language of fiction. Despite several visual interventions, performances, and other elements linked to the visual arts, I was still trying at the moment to create dialogues and situations for the scenes. In a screening session at the Semana dos Realizadores, I watched Em Transito, and was in shock with several simiarities that were solved in a much superior visual way to the script I was trying to finish. I put it aside while writing "FLUX" and "Não ha Vagas"... And resumed it by deleting all dialogues or anything that resembled a linear narrative... I always tell Marcelo that this change arose from that screening. Marcelo was one of the first to see Per Capita while I was still editing it, and since then we have been working together. It came up!