Jean-Claude Bernardet e Rubens Rewald

Não recomendado para menores de 12 Anos
Not recommended for children under 12; Violence

Jean-Claude Bernardet e Rubens Rewald

2020, 70min, BR
Não recomendado para menores de 12 Anos
Not recommended for children under 12; Violence

Jean-Claude Bernardet e Rubens Rewald

2020, 70min, BR
Não recomendado para menores de 12 Anos
Not recommended for children under 12; Violence
How to act today politically? Is it possible to change things, people, society? And now, what to do? An intellectual and his contradictions.

Production Company: Confeitaria de Cinema
Directed by: Jean-Claude Bernardet e Rubens Rewald
Produced by: Simone Hernandéz e Emily Hozokawa
Executive Producer: Simone Hernandéz e Emily Hozokawa
Director of Photography: Andre Moncaio
Sound Design: João Godoy
Montage by: Gustavo Aranda
Cast: Vladimir Safatle, Palomaris Mathias e Jean-Claude Bernardet
Original Sound Track: Mateus Capelo e Vladimir Safatle

Mostra Internacional de SP
Mostra de Tiradentes
Rencontres Latinos Toulouse (França)



 Foto: Rita Foglia

RUBENS REWALD is the Screenplay Professor at the University of São Paulo. He wrote the books Chaos / Dramaturgy, 2005, and Author Spectator, 2019. He directed the shorts CÂNTICOS (Lyrics), 1991, selected for Havana Festival and MUTANTE... (Mutant...), 2002, selected for Clermont-Ferrand Festival. He also wrote several staged plays, such as REI DE COPAS, 1994 (APCA Award), NARRAADOR, 1996, DO GABINETE DE JOANA (1997), UMBIGO, 2004 (Funarte Awardof Playwriting), BRUXAS, BRUXAS E MAIS BRUXAS, 2012 (APCA Award).


Corpo - (2007, 85min)
Esperando Telê - (2010, 96min)
Super Nada - (2012, 92min)
Intervenção - Gustavo Aranda, Tales Ab’Sáber e Rubens Rewald - (2017, 89min)
Segundo Tempo - (2019, 107min)
Jair Rodrigues - (2020, 99min)

Foto: Mateus Capelo

Jean-Claude Bernardet is Professor Emeritus at the University of São Paulo, Film theorist, critic, director, screenwriter, writer, playwright and actor. He published several important books, such as: • FILM DIRECTORS AND IMAGES OF THE PEOPLE, 2003 • CLASSICAL HISTORY OF THE BRAZILIAN CINEMA, 1995 • THE AUTHOR IN CINEMA, 1992 • BRAZIL IN TIME OF CINEMA, 1967 As screenwriter: • TODAY (2011), by Tata Amaral. Written in partnership with Rubens Rewald and Felipe Sholl. Best script award at the Brasília Festival • BRING WITH ME (2000), by Chico Teixeira • THROUGH THE WINDOW (2000), by Tata Amaral • A STAR SKY (1996), by Tata Amaral • THE CASE OF THE NAVES BROTHERS (1967), by Luís Sérgio Person.


São Paulo, Sinfonia e Cacofonia - (1994, 50min)
Sobre os Anos 60 - (1999, 50min)



Interview - Jean-Claude Bernardet e Rubens Rewald

The film expresses our anxiety and exasperation towards the political situation in Brazil and the world. The far right grows every day. Left-wing activists and intellectuals do not know how to react. The Academia seems increasingly distant from the periphery and its people. What should we do now? Fiction and reality are blended in this urgent search for answers.




Entre Nós Talvez Estejam Multidões
by Aiano Bemfica and Pedro Maia de Brito (2020, 92min, MG e PE)
Viewer's Discretion - Not recommended for children under 14 

Sinopsis: "There may be crowds among us" proposing an experiential journey through the Occupation Eliana Silva throughout the campaign that elected Bolsonaro, in the recent rise of fascism to power in Brazil. The film is driven by the depth of the subjects who live in the community and where, through their dreams, desires, contradictions and memories, they constitute the imaginary of this microcosm building a documentary that articulates itself as a mural painting. 

The film dialogues in many ways with #eagoraoque, mainly in establishing scenes in which the characters/people discuss some issue, usually tending to free play and a tightening of diverse and opposing worldviews and ideas. Such a device allows the two films to express different points of view, dialoguing with our current political moment of uncertainty and the search for new paths for progressives.